UTF-8 tips, choosing an domain name for business or blog in 2024

dev.ua 9 May. 16:22 Category:Домени

An example of a domain name, which is easily remembered or advertised, is important for business development or blog. Here are a few steps to select the domain name correctly

Go to Google! Soon a new search engine may appear based on ChatGPT

dev.ua 3 May. 17:48 Category:Домени

The following recently registered domain name indicates the future OpenAl search engine

"As you call the boat, he will swim," the right domain name is the secret weapon of a startup. Here are 5 tips, how to select a domain

dev.ua 2 May. 14:15 Category:Домени

The American entrepreneur and founder of Laws.com Boris Creeman advises startups to use the power of domitable names. He thinks the domain is not just an Internet store, it's a brand. He has to figure out what business is doing. In fact, Craig shared his own process of choosing the right domain name for business

MS. MUSIC offers 1 million free domains purely for the music community

dev.ua 26 Apr. 18:40 Category:Домени

June 24th of May 2024, the world music industry can solve the problem of musical identification and intellectual property protection using the initiative that launched the top-level domain. MISICA

Money day's already sold. Domense. day after 21,000 euros,

dev.ua 24 Apr. 15:20 Category:Домени

Owner of the domain pr. day finally got his paycheque: He sold a dollar for 21,000 euros. The details of the deal don't go public

Fonts Displayed Errors when selecting a domain name

dev.ua 24 Apr. 13:18 Category:Домени

An introduction of the domain name for your website is a complex task related to multivector of the given question. It is only by following certain rules that can be successful in solving a question of how to choose a domain. And this could be an adventure for you to advice to the official registration expert names of FREEhost.UAA

Zona. AAA has increased by over 70,000 domains in the last four months

dev.ua 18 Apr. 16:06 Category:Домени

The domain name director. ai published the latest data about the number of domains in this area. It's now registered above 425,000 domains

Like you can steal your domain name on the Internet. We tell you what to pay attention to

dev.ua 16 Apr. 15:09 Category:Домени

The name is the basis of any business on the Internet. It's actually a platform business that works in the online. And for a lot of digital companies, it's the main floor. You don't have to tell a lot about the value of the domain. And here's a topic like security of a domain that's rarely brought up in the media. Although you can say that her importance is underappreciated

The German company Milel found a site in Ukraine with its name sold to the brand technique. The court has begun

dev.ua 15 Apr. 13:55 Category:Домени

German manufacturer of prime-class Miele & Cie. KG has asked for a meeting in Kyiv of the Lord's court on duty to stop using the domain name in Ukraine violating the intellectual property of the company

MUSE starting .UA: Five geographic domains from May 1 to May

dev.ua 11 Apr. 17:31 Category:Домени

Nearmaster's company announced the beginning of the toplevel national domain. UAA

Спроба перевести Twitter.com на X.com призвела до доменного хаосу й може стати справжнім подарунком для фішерів

dev.ua 11 Apr. 16:36 Category:Домени

У понеділок X почав автоматично змінювати посилання, у яких згадується twitter.com, на x.com. Але за останні 48 годин було зареєстровано десятки нових доменних імен, які демонструють, як цю зміну можна використати для створення переконливих фішингових посилань, таких як fedetwitter.com, які донедавна в твітах відображалися як fedex.com.

KPhotoAlbum is passed to the domain name ArtifiicalIntelligence.com: How much is it worth and whether it's worth

dev.ua 9 Apr. 15:40 Category:Домени

The US investment expert for domain names and coin Elliot Silver has tried to buy a domain name for 10 years as ArtifialIntellifere.com. The emails he sent to the registry remain unanswered. And then Silver finally got this long-term letter to his offer

French Teleperforce acquired a rare two-letter TPP.com. domain. There's only 676 of them

dev.ua 5 Apr. 11:17 Category:Домени

The introduction of Teleperforce, which is one of the leading companies in digital business services, has recently made a significant addition to their brand by purchasing a two-letter domain name TPP com

The introduction of the British company had to say goodbye to its cult, Printing.com, which was owned for over 20 years

dev.ua 3 Apr. 18:51 Category:Домени

The British company Software Circle sold its domain to Printing.com to the American JAL Equity Corp for $2.27 million. Why did the British have to say good-bye to the dock that, according to the CEO, takes "special place in their hearts"?

The USC store has changed its name to fit their new GLD.com domain, which he bought for $1 million

dev.ua 26 Mar. 18:13 Category:Домени

The GIPD Shop business has been conducted by IED fishing after purchasing a valuable domain name for gld.com in Richard Lau's investor. According to Lau, he sold a dollar for $1 million

У січні 2024 року маленький острів Ангілья заробив $3 млн на своєму доменному просторі .ai. Кому ще вдалося збагатитися на доменних іменах

dev.ua 20 Mar. 14:54 Category:Домени

У 1988 році інтернет-корпорація з призначення доменних імен і номерів  (ICANN) призначила дволітерні домени для кожної країни. Тоді маленький карибський острів Ангілья не знав, як йому пощастило отримати домен верхнього рівня .ai. Через майже чотири десятиліття бум штучного інтелекту приносить острову Ангілья багатомільйонний прибуток. Тільки в січні 2024 року острів заробив $3 млн на реєстрації доменів. 

The State of State was forced to block the site's trust from selling tobacco and smoking tools. The owner of the site tried to complain. It didn't work out

dev.ua 15 Mar. 15:26 Category:Домени

On December 20th, 2023, the district administrative court sent the owner of a blocked National Centre for Rehabilly technical network management of hookmark.com. ua

Компанія JM Bullion, яка володіє доменом Silver.com, тепер придбала ще й дорогоцінний Gold.com. Обидві адреси недоступні в Україні через «санкції США»

dev.ua 12 Mar. 18:32 Category:Домени

Американська компанія JM Bullion, яка торгує дорогоцінними металами, придбала домен Gold.com. Як і Silver.com, він редіректить на сайт jmbullion.com, який, однак, недоступний в Україні.

Домен ukr.net блокувався за рішенням суду Каліфорнії у відповідь на скаргу російського олігарха

dev.ua 8 Mar. 10:31 Category:Домени

Домен ukr.net, найбільшого поштового сервісу та одного з найбільших новинних порталів країни, був заблокований за рішенням Вищого суду Каліфорнії від 23 січня 2024 року. Рішення є в розпорядженні dev.ua.

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